Fun with Funkins
I'm a procrastinator. I said we would get our crap together this holiday season and stay on schedule, and yet, I've cleaned my entire...

Season of Crafting
Holiday season is like the Super Bowl of crafting for my people. And by "my people" I mean Pinterest addicts. In the spirit of trying...

Facebook Craft Winner!
Our Social Media craft winner is Lisa Ellis from Illinois! She posted a photo and description of some amazing pumpkins. I also...

What's Your Favorite Craft?
I thought it would be fun to get some ideas from all of you and not just my favorite friend (Pinterest). I love to be inspired to get...

Throw A Pinterest Wedding for Under $5000
I took a short break to share some other goodies with you. It's possible I have issues with focusing on any one thing for a long period...

No Cheat Summer Treat
I've been making sorbet and ice cream for a while so I'm not quite sure why I felt the burning need to post this recipe now. Maybe it's...

Who Has Time for Mother's Day?
I know what you're thinking. Why do all of the photos look like this is a Father's Day craft? I'm just going to guess that your house...

No Posters Please
When we moved into our new house I was faced with the dilemma of decorating the kids' rooms. My son's was pretty easy because he's a...

No Gifts Please
I found myself in the predicament of having a gift for my mom's birthday but no card. I think sometimes my subconscious rejects buying...

Say Cheese!
I have to start this post by admitting that my best friend, Pinterest, let me down here. Pinterest was great for looking at a bunch of...