My Story
I am a self-proclaimed Pinterest expert.
My name is Kristen and I'm a self-proclaimed Pinterest expert. I decided to start this blog after many false starts at blogging. Should I blog about my self taught photography skills? my obsession with crafting? my addiction to making things instead of just buying them outright like "normal" people do? And then it hit me, I need to combine all of those things into one category. I can talk about all of them because they all lead back to one thing. Pinterest.
I've been crafting long before Pinterest ever entered the picture. And, yes, I kick myself for not inventing Pinterest myself. I'm brilliant in hindsight. And super successful. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. And I did. With gusto. Pinterest has made my wild adventures in the world of "I can make that" a whole lot easier. I definitely give myself credit for having good taste and being creative but I don't take a lot of credit for originality. I'm an expert at copying and adapting. And I'm a firm believer that anyone can do it.
That's where this blog comes in. I have no formal design training. Just years and years of creative copying. I take no credit for the ideas myself just full credit for figuring out how to do it and then doing it fairly well (mostly). That's where the accidental decorating comes in. Most of my decorating and crafting I accidentally trip over by getting inspired by something I see and trying to make it work in my own house. I'm here to teach you how to do that as well. With a little bit of luck, some guidance and a whole lot of Pinterest; you can be an Accidental Decorator too!!

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