Let There Be Light
Once I get a wild crafting hair it's really hard to let it go. I set my mind to redecorating my son's room to make it a "high school" room and I wouldn't take no for an answer. He told me no, by the way. As any good mom who listens to her child and respects his wishes would do, I did it anyway. I listened to the part where he said he didn't think anything needed to be done and held on to the part where he subconsciously implied that I could do what I thought needed fixing.
In my defense, he still had his nursing glider in there, so I figured I was in partially safe waters here. After using the Nextdoor website to part ways with my baby glider I was ready to go. Oh, and if you've never heard of the Nextdoor website, look it up. It's super handy.

I feel like I mostly stayed true to his wishes by just sprucing up a few things. Giving his room a little face lift. I wanted to remove the floor lamp that didn't quite fit anymore. It was an expensive lamp I agonized over at Pottery Barn Kids, which never quite fit into his baby room. The lamp shade didn't fit right but in all my stubbornness I forced it to work anyway. Sometimes I find it hard to part with stuff that has a story or some sentimental value. It's easier when I'm able to find my stuff a new home. Like when I sold my son's kiddie table and chairs. Lots of memories around that little table but selling it to a mom who brought her little one with her to pick it up made it a little bit easier. I could imagine our little table making new memories for their family. Okay, sappy interlude over. Back to my lamp.
I spent some quality time with my decorator, Pinterest, who helped me come up with a great idea for the perfect replacement lamp for my son's "big boy" room. For the record, I'm not allowed to call his high school makeover a "big boy" room. We'll just keep that one between us. I came across the perfect idea and was off to Target to pull it all together. I had not heard of fillable lamps until Pinterest introduced me. The base is clear glass so you can fill it with whatever theme will fit the room.
Did I mention earlier that I was purging unused stuff? Did I also mention that my son struggles with the same sentimentality that I do? To that end, he wasn't willing to part ways with his Hot Wheels cars. He used to spend hours and hours just lining the floors and counting them. Having found the perfect item to fill my lamp, I was off to find the right lampshade. I'm not sure I love this grey herringbone but my son loves it and I figured I should at least let him have some say in my forced makeover.
Now I just need to add the new rug that I wasn't able to leave Target without and the nightstand I'm making my husband build for him and we're all set!